Sunday, July 29, 2012

Arctic summer @Lauwersoog

Most birders, including me, focussed on Ezumakeeg yesterday. Conditions are good with 150 Little Stints, 10 Temminks, a Pectoral Sandpiper and good numbers of Curlew Sands and other stuff. But lightning struck in Lauwersoog! A Brunnich's Guillemot was photographed in the harbour, and it was still present today along the dike, entertaining hundreds of birders.

The bird was unringed which should exclude the origin of a released taken-into-care bird. It might need some care however as it seems to be a little oil-stained and spent some time sitting on the dike. But later today it was swimming and diving actively again. If accepted this will be one of the major unblocking-events of the decade as the last and only "twitchable" Brunnich's Guillemot was seen in 1979! Interestingly this highly Arctic bird favoured exactly the same spot as Orca Morgan.